I have got 20years of experience in both business and Healthcare Services.
I started my career as a support worker few years ago in the health and social care sector. I am experienced in giving personal care, intimate care, and personal support to service users. I have had first-hand experience in assisting with domestic tasks helping clients to budget and handle money, and advising service users on practical issues and am aware of the personalized care each service user deserves. My passion in health and social care began with my first resident who was in a condition where she could not talk or move and was heavily reliant on carers. I wanted to offer the care that was bespoke to her, even though she could not talk or move for her to know she was seen and heard in other ways. I made myself familiar with her care plan which showed me she likes music.
This passion I equally shared, so whenever I was looking after her, would also sing to her. Gradually, Her health started to improve, and then she could talk again, she would frequently ask about me. Although it was something small, But it meant a lot to her and it is believed that this has helped with the improvement of her health. Her family also asked to meet me and I highlighted what providing care meant to me and how it should be personalized. They gave a remarkable report and the service I was working for at the time generated new leads from the service I offered.
I have experienced in speaking to prospective clients on open days/evenings where they meet carers and they have the opportunity to ask questions about the type of care that is offered and I always receive very positive feedback and I am able to persuade clients to use our care services. Also, previous establishments have supported my development by enabling me to have these conversations where I have been able to build trust and credibility with the service. I believe in going over and above for service users, where our roles as support workers have a direct impact on their personal lives, and making sacrifices for their ultimate comfort is a factor I believe is inherent in the role Because of my drive and motivations, I will often shadow registered manager on my days off to be able to use this as a development opportunity. Where registered managers have been unavailable in short notice, I will be given the opportunity to step up and deputize, which has been provided me with invaluable experience about the importance of issues outside of offering personal care.
The importance of delivering services effectively and having clear on monitoring procedures and processes in place to ensure a high level of care can be emulated in others. By founding RitaGreen Healthcare Services Ltd, I can ensure good and safe practice in all activities relating to service user care by putting systems in place to guide, monitor, and evaluate care and services provided. My passion, commitment and positivity will be values that every single personnel at RitaGreen will need to portray, where we give our best at every single opportunity. With places I have worked previously, I understand an issue carers often struggle with is the lack of voice given to them when it comes to matters involving service users and the service. This will not happen at RitaGreen as I believe the importance of care cannot be undermined, as they are often the first point of contact with service users. Carers will therefore be carried along with the individual care plan of service users, where we will employ a multi-faceted approach that considers the opinions of those that work closely with the service users also. I ensure that I keep my knowledge up to date by being subscribed to Quality Compliance Systems, which I review daily.
I also have my level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care, to be able to deliver a high quality of care service which fully integrates quality performance and governance. I am eager to learn and I take on an approach to always keep learning so my knowledge can be up-to-date and relevant. I also sought guidance from a highly experienced general manager to be my mentor so I can learn a new perspective and advance my career. Having RitaGreen to be able to put my visions to reality is something I am deeply passionate about the stigma attributed to care homes will no longer be relevant. Since I do not have many degrees in care but I have had a lot of experience that motivates and encourages me to transform and deliver care with a different and to be rendered with passion and empathy. Although, there are many challenges in this job which I cannot emphasis my love and passion for this job did not make me relent in falling in love with it and to demonstrate person-centered care that allows people to maintain their life choices in a meaningful way.